One of the key points to good health is a good diet. This becomes even more important with Parkinson's. Reach your best physical state by maintaining a healthy eating plan.
What to Eat
Read up on or team up with a dietician to develop a diet strategy and try to stay on track. A general PD diet will include, but is not limited to:
5-6 cups fruits and veggies/day
Lower saturated fats
Reduced sugars
More fish
Water, with electrolytes
Organic foods
Fiber is great to help with digestion, to minimize constipation, and to help with feeling full. Some examples of high-fiber choices you can make:
Fruits (with the peel)
Beans, peas, grains
Whole grain breads
Bran cereals
Chia seeds
Air-popped popcorn
Everyone wants a healthier immune system. Things like antioxidants help through increased levels of certain vitamins. Examples include:
Berries, dark grapes
Dark chocolate
Pecans, hazelnuts
Spinach, broccoli
Cinnamon, garlic
Sweet potatoes, tomatoes
Red wine, green tea
Some medications work best on an empty stomach or full stomach. Take medications with a full glass of water, preferably with some lemon juice, so they are absorbed by the body faster. Always check the Rx label and with your doctor on timing.
Convert animal protein to plant-based protein as much as possible. Many PD medications should be taken 30--60 minutes before or 1--2 hours after eating protein. TIP: Save most protein for the evening meal. Try easily digestible proteins (soups, smoothies).
Things to Avoid
On top of the many things TO do, try to avoid these to keep your body fit to fight Parkinson’s:
Diet sodas
Dairy, animal protein
Canned fruits, veggies
Fried/greasy foods
Artificial sweeteners